MouseGoddess is home
Born, raised and living in Phoenix, I have traveled around most of the country and love Florida and Disney World.

Jun 18, 2019 5:53 PM by Discussion: Community

I hate to do this because I've been MIA here for a bit, taking care of my husband who had COPD.  A friend convinced me that even though I asked this community for help once before a few years ago I should turn to you again in this horrible time. Last Friday my husband suddenly just died in my arms here at home. I have no family to help me and his family isn't that close (milage or otherwise) so here I am... My friend set up a Go Fund Me page---    

I'm so alone and lost right now....anything will help.


MouseGoddess   (remember my logon screens? I miss doing them.....)            

1 Reply Reply 11 Referrals

Jun 27, 2017 12:27 PM by Discussion: CursorFX

It seems that one of Win 10's latest updates has caused my cursor FX to not integrate with the default cursor i.e. Cursor FX rides on top of the default which is clearly visible now. So, I have two pointers! I downloaded the Cursor FX update to no avail. Any help on this one?

7 Replies Reply 24 Referrals

Jun 27, 2017 12:27 PM by Discussion: CursorFX

It seems that one of Win 10's latest updates has caused my cursor FX to not integrate with the default cursor i.e. Cursor FX rides on top of the default which is clearly visible now. So, I have two pointers! I downloaded the Cursor FX update to no avail. Any help on this one?

7 Replies Reply 24 Referrals

Now my user control won't work

Jun 28, 2016 12:38 PM by Discussion: Windows Discussion

I finally upgraded to Win 10 and it went smoothly and pretty fast. I then bought the new Windowblinds 10 because I always have to have that. BUT, after I downloaded Windowblinds and started to install, the user control popped up asking if I wanted to go ahead with it and it didn't have a YES or NO button! It's just blank. I can't install anything and I even went to the master control and said turn it off, but it has the same pop up with no buttons! I can't change anything. Can somebody help? I really don't want to do a recovery and lose anything. And I checked, I AM logged in as Administrator. 

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I'm going to upgrade to 10 and I know I need to move up to Windowblinds 10 too. Should I upgrade the system and then download and install Windowblinds or the other way around?

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Jun 27, 2015 1:10 AM by Discussion: WindowBlinds

I found a disc with a backup of all my old (and I mean old!) Windowblinds skins. Will they still work with the current version?

7 Replies Reply 6 Referrals

Apr 16, 2015 10:52 PM by Discussion: Community

"If you planted hope today in any hopeless heart, If someone's burden was lighter because you did your part, If you caused a laugh that chased a tear away, If tonight your name is mentioned when someone kneels to pray, Then your day was well spent."

20 Replies Reply 19 Referrals

Is this permitted?

Apr 2, 2015 9:11 PM by Discussion: Community

A group I'm in has started a funding page and I was wondering if it's OK to post the link here? I've been a member of this community for years but I don't know the answer. This would be a great place to post it, I know some wonderful, caring people on here.


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Jun 21, 2014 8:28 PM by Discussion: WindowBlinds

I have a WB skin that I love but on Win 8.1 the start menu (start8) is completely black. Can't see anything written there. Is there a way to make the lettering show?

7 Replies Reply 2 Referrals

Were they ever?

Aug 23, 2012 1:16 AM by Discussion: Community

I don't see a lot of logon activity these days. Are they a fading thing? 

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